An Ideal Person

An Ideal Person

                       ~Pradeepta Chattopadhyay


Who is an ideal person?  

        The first thing that comes to our mind is an ideal person should be perfect, perfect in every aspect by which we can judge a human being. But practically it is next to impossible. We can rephrase this thought. I like to describe an ideal person as "a human being who has the potential to balance everything in life and who converts that potential into reality."


        I have clearly highlighted 2 phrases here. I believe each and every human being has the potential to do something extraordinary. But only a few can achieve things that show their real potential. And that "few" can be as small as 0.001% of the mass. We need to understand that though we know ourselves the best, yet our identity is created by the figure we turn out to be in the eyes of the people surrounding us.

Now let's look at some traits that a person gets judged on anywhere, even during interviews.

Body language:
        It needs to be very clear that communicating does not refer to speaking or, writing alone. Communication is when a message is transferred from a source to destination(s). The channel can be any. Here body language plays a very vital role. This is one of the strongest parameters that create an impression or perception of us. The eye contact, posture, hand movement, head position, facial expression, everything counts in determining a body language. We do not list these down before making the perception of someone, it just happens. An ideal person should communicate a confident, straight, open, and approachable attitude through his body.

*Source: Determining Body language

Choice of words:
        Let's look at a few quotes- 
        "Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don't mean much to you may stick with someone else for a lifetime."- Rachel Wolchin
        "Words are free. It's how you use them that may cost you."- Kushand Wizdom
        Words are powerful. Words can make or break any situation, any relationship. We might have good body language but it won't count if we are not using our words wisely. An Ideal Person should always use words that are most effective in a certain situation. The words should have a positive outcome.

    Honesty and integrity:
            According to Wikipedia- "Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions." 
            Integrity is the integration of your belief in your action. A person is said to have integrity when his/her actions are in alignment with what they say and what they believe. So integrity is actually not equal to morality, or honesty. For example, Adolf Hitler had integrity. Let's give a fictitious example, Thanos (MCU), and Joker (DC) had integrity. They acted as per their beliefs. 😉
        Honesty means to hold to one’s integrity, morality, principles, beliefs, actions, and intentions. Honesty includes clearly communicating the truth, expressing opinions accurately, and avoiding deceptions, misdeeds, and misleading activities.
    So An Ideal Person needs to have the senses of both Honesty and Integrity with a spice of rationality. The synergy effect of honesty and integrity is exemplary.

            Discipline is a measure of the standards of behavior. Discipline is a term that refers to the degree of systematic conduct. It is associated with terms like positive attitude, regulated actions, self-control, rational thinking, and moral execution. Discipline provides us with the power to counter difficult situations. Discipline helps us to focus, and stay focused. It allows us to push our limits and helps us achieve persistence. People with discipline are rarely irrational.
            So An Ideal Person should necessarily have a remarkable level of discipline.

            Everyone lives his/her own life, and so everyone should have their own purpose in life. And wisdom starts with understanding our purpose of life and deals with understanding, knowledge, experience people gain throughout their lives. Wisdom is something that can not be taught, it needs to be learned by oneself. Wisdom depicts a person's ability to think, analyze, judge, perform, and rethink on different topics. Stating the obvious, a person full of wisdom is called wise. And An Ideal Person must be a very wise person. He should be able to set an example for others.


    Sympathy and Empathy:
    The exact meaning of Sympathy is "with feeling". This means that sympathy is the potential to understand someone's feelings and standing by it. So sympathy involves giving consolation. Whereas, empathy is coined from "in feeling". This means that empathy is the potential to put oneself into someone's shoes and experiencing the feeling from other's points of view. So being merely sympathetic doesn't help much. Being empathetic is something that everyone values. An Ideal Person should largely be empathetic. Because, sympathy only provides temporary support and not necessarily any direction, but empathy provides long-lasting support and direction.

    So these are some of the very important points which sum up to judge a person. For each and every person the definition for an ideal person may differ. It is also situational and conditional in nature. Hence, the concept of an ideal person is more relative than absolute and everyone desires to have an ideal person in one's life.


    If you have more things in your mind that can be added to the article please comment down and let me know. I'd love to take a look at those and include them in the blog with due credits.

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